The Dangerous Maybe
Rot Lydia Sviatoslavsky Rot Lydia Sviatoslavsky

The Dangerous Maybe

You can convince yourself of anything once. But, see, all it takes is that once to germinate lifelong delusion.

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Nausea & Nightshade
Cut-Up Lydia Sviatoslavsky Cut-Up Lydia Sviatoslavsky

Nausea & Nightshade

All these creatures spend their time explaining, realizing happily that they agree with each other. Meanwhile, I feel Fucked To Death.

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Like One Long Joke
Cut-Up Lydia Sviatoslavsky Cut-Up Lydia Sviatoslavsky

Like One Long Joke

"I have to try and think what an artist is, apart from a hooligan who cannot live within his income of praise."

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PLAGUE NOTES: An Interview with My Heart, an Inverted Flame
Interviews Lydia Sviatoslavsky Interviews Lydia Sviatoslavsky

PLAGUE NOTES: An Interview with My Heart, an Inverted Flame

“We titled our album Plague Notes easily a year before COVID exploded in Wuhan,” says Marc Kate, San Francisco-based composer known for his conceptual solo projects and production in electronic post-punk band Never Knows. “It’s more about our obsession with all things apocalyptic. Who knew it could be so prescient?”

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Déjà Vu in the Desert of the Real
Cut-Up Lydia Sviatoslavsky Cut-Up Lydia Sviatoslavsky

Déjà Vu in the Desert of the Real

"I’m twenty-five years old and I don’t understand what it is that people do. It’s as if all this were built on nothing, and nothing were holding this together. And then I hear people talk, and that just makes things worse."

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A Decidedly Dumb Thing I'll Likely Do Again
Rot Lydia Sviatoslavsky Rot Lydia Sviatoslavsky

A Decidedly Dumb Thing I'll Likely Do Again

As someone who has too often been the moody bitch in the hoodie, I can promise it’s almost certainly Just You. The resident asshole. The snob. The fool. Prematurely dulled, disappointed, or disgusted by a perfectly harmless lot. More often than not --at least in my experience-- that's probably been the case.

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